The boat has a cheap and cheerful DAB/FM tranny radio on board running through AA batteries a rate of four a week sometimes.
Even buying through Costco at 50p each it was costing a fortune to fall asleep with the radio on. Today I went boot-sailing and bought various cabling to wire the radio directly into the boat's 12V batteries which, of course, are topped up by solar panels.
It is nowhere like as simple a trick as you might imagine. The tranny has a 6v power input option but is made to be powered via a 240V converter. Off-grid does not DO mains power by definition.
Off-grid means what it says.
Even buying through Costco at 50p each it was costing a fortune to fall asleep with the radio on. Today I went boot-sailing and bought various cabling to wire the radio directly into the boat's 12V batteries which, of course, are topped up by solar panels.
It is nowhere like as simple a trick as you might imagine. The tranny has a 6v power input option but is made to be powered via a 240V converter. Off-grid does not DO mains power by definition.
Off-grid means what it says.