I am in the Big Issue Rugby area ... At the market stall, Very Large Eggs were priced at £1.80 half-dozen. I had brought two egg-boxes with me. So I put five eggs into each box to make ten in total and asked the lady "How much?" I had already figured it and was fingering three shiny pound coins in my cargo pocket. The lady looked puzzled and asked how much the governor had charged me last time. I realised at once she did not know how to work out the price so I quickly added an extra egg to each box and she said "£3.60 then!". Right. I grubbed another 60p from my shrapnel pocket to add to the already fingered £3 and gave her £3.60 ... It occurs to me to wonder, since she was in her 50s, and presumably had worked markets for some time, how she could not instantly figure that ONE egg was 30p so ten should be £3. Yesterday in my favourite supermarket I got six top-end eggs for £4. Delighted to see the farmers getting properly after threatening to stop laying but figure one egg is now ... where's me calculator? 66.66666666667p Now if I bought ten how much change would I have out of a tenner? Shaun Wall (NB PENTARGON) off grid on a canal near you. I have no problem shopping in Regent's Street and I love a good cookshop. So when I needed a nice knife for the boat I discovered Abraxa's Cookshop in Regent Street. My needs were simple. Nothing made in PRC, good steel and if it were English made that would be a bonus. Helen and Bron were on it at once showing me a Rockingham Forge Equilibrium. Actually the knife display is beautifully laid out in the Regent Street shop and Helen and Bron are ever so helpful. I am happy now to have on board a beautiful knife made in Sheffield from German Steel. Oops! I forgot to say Abraxas is in Regent Street RUGBY ... The knife is admirable for my boat. The steel combination has enough magnetism to stick to my magnetic gadget holder. The balance is perfect and it cuts raw meat, chops vegetables, zips through plastic packaging and wipes clean instantly with a damp cloth. What more can I say? Well I can say I am not being paid to say this. My long time friends on the canals know I cannot be bought and am not for sale.
THIS IS NOT ABOUT KNIVES I macerate in life's tepidity by immersion and I have absolutely no interest in apps. While others goggle over a picture of rising steam or marvel at the photogenic qualities of a pixelated cup, I prefer to smell the coffee in real time while my percolator gurgles and a lock fills or empties. When I want something I'll not be not sidetracked by a deceitful web trying to push tat I patently neither need nor want. I am fully inured of its churning algorithms: I declare myself an original of my species: OffGrid ManCave Man
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