Pentargon Coffee
From its earliest on board development
I have always considered
Pentargon's coffee special.
It evolved from my fondness
for real coffee beans
from the best estates,
ground just before use
percolated by super-heated water
Percolation was part of my growing up.
We had a percolator
Ireland drank tea and so did we mostly.
We rarely drank coffee at home,
but knew how to prepare it
Grand Uncle Tom,
whose entire adult life
was spent in America
lived his final days with us.
Ground coffee went off
unless stored properly
and beans were better by far
but ...
you could not buy a grinder in the 50s.
They were found only in coffee houses
and yes coffee houses would grind beans
but we lived a long way from the city.
But on occasional visits
we got coffee beans ground
and then we drank coffee.
Later as a student in that city
I held court in coffee houses
and discussed the merits
and philosophy
the Fabbonichi series
and high grown coffee
and developed tastes that
would be entertained
in my own galley
decades later
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I have always considered
Pentargon's coffee special.
It evolved from my fondness
for real coffee beans
from the best estates,
ground just before use
percolated by super-heated water
Percolation was part of my growing up.
We had a percolator
Ireland drank tea and so did we mostly.
We rarely drank coffee at home,
but knew how to prepare it
Grand Uncle Tom,
whose entire adult life
was spent in America
lived his final days with us.
Ground coffee went off
unless stored properly
and beans were better by far
but ...
you could not buy a grinder in the 50s.
They were found only in coffee houses
and yes coffee houses would grind beans
but we lived a long way from the city.
But on occasional visits
we got coffee beans ground
and then we drank coffee.
Later as a student in that city
I held court in coffee houses
and discussed the merits
and philosophy
the Fabbonichi series
and high grown coffee
and developed tastes that
would be entertained
in my own galley
decades later
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